It all started because of Santa Claus. His spirit of sharing sparked something inside of us that started a fire, that has been growing into a blazing inferno throughout the years. Like everything else in this world, our mission has steadily been evolving. What was once a charity that provided gifts at Christmas time is now a child relief agency providing food, medicine, and hope around the world.
OSC began with the desire to spread the spirit of sharing during the Christmas season. Now known as “Operation Serving Children,” OSC initially donned the name “Operation Santa Claus.” Our goal was to collect gifts for needy families during the holiday season. As the holidays approached, we were contacted by hundreds of families who shared their family’s wish list with us. Through donations made by individuals, clubs, and organizations, we fulfilled the families’ wishes. Rich often dressed as Santa Claus and personally delivered the gifts to the families. It was a busy time. November through December, our home was like Santa’s workshop. I remember our house being quite the obstacle course as we sorted the donations into piles of gifts for each family. Somehow, we kept the chaos very organized and never missed a family and rarely had a left over gift. Our children, who were young at the time, really enjoyed sorting the toys. It was like living in a toy store. Our requests for gifts from families at Christmas grew each year, but the requests for food and help with rent and repairs throughout the year grew even more. Our focus turned from giving gifts to focusing on helping families survive. We were no longer a seasonal agency but an agency providing assistance year-round. The name “Operation Santa Claus” no longer fit where our mission had led us, so the name was changed to “Operation Serving Children.” Throughout the years, we have provided more than $37 million in relief in more than 25 nations. Our goal is to improve the quality of humanity everywhere through science, technology, and love. Although OSC has outgrown its founding name of “Operation Santa Claus,” the giving spirit of Santa Claus is still the driving force of the organization. After all, Santa Claus is real. I’m married to him.